Saturday, May 11, 2019

Mario Casas Going Frontal in Instinto, Capítulo 1.1

Another thing that was hyped for nothing, and I really thought this was gonna be my next Personal Nudity Moment, but alas... Well, at least he actually shows his penis.
He does have a great ass, though. What do you think, prosthetic or not? I think not!


  1. I think you expect too much. Some frontal is better than no, don't you think? It's his - he said it would be his in interviews last year. Even though more female nudity is generally shown on screen, much more of the male body is seen than that of the female. When was the last time you saw a vulva or a vagina in a film? It's usually only breasts and buttocks. At least male actors show proper full frontal when it's scripted, prosthetic or not. Women often do not (unless it's French cinema).

  2. Was dying to see the nude buns on this hot guy. Thank you

  3. i think its a prosthetic one...i prefer to see a real small penis than a big prosthetic...natural is always the best.

  4. Can you elaborate? What is pathetic?

  5. Sadly, it's fake...

  6. Stunning face, we've all seen it. 💚🙄 But... That's a beautiful muscular body, as well! 💪🏻🔥 To address the critics from above. Of course it's been done before but, it's kinda obvious what happened. It was all a well-done PR, to promote the TV show. I'm sure they made the deal with the actor before making the movie. People will do anything for attention, yup. 🤷‍♂️
