Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Louis Cancelmi Going Full Frontal in Godfather of Harlem, Ep. By Whatever Means Necessary

WARNING: Graphic violence, so if you can't watch blood and violence, it's probably not for you and you should just enjoy the caps!
Otherwise, a really, really great nude scene and love the bush, too!


  1. He is really hot! I also love the bush (and other body hair). He's handsome and super sexy.

    you're right about the violence. It's really rough. I'm usually able to focus on "hot actor nude on set pretending to fight" and ignore "character being tortured." This violence was too hard for me to mentally erase, though. Yeah, I'll stick with the (very hot!) stills. Thanks for the post and thanks for the appropriate warning note.

  2. I love how indie actors like these aren't afraid to show full nudity. This scene isn't sexualized in any way, so it is not necessary to scrutinize him in a demeaning manner. Although..., I hope gets he gets the chance to act in his natural state again. No over exaggerated or fluffling is needed on his part. =) 10/10
