Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Kevin Janssens Going Full Frontal in De Patrick

Hello everyone. :)
First of all, I am really sorry for just stopping to post and not saying anything. I could understand if no one wants to come visit my blog again. I had my reasons, that is all I am going to say.

I am back now and I think it's only fair to everyone who loves and enjoys nudity. Now that basically all of us are going to be at home for quite a while, I wanted to start posting again.
So stay safe everyone and think not just of your own health but others too! So stay home and make the best of the situation!!! :)
Let's start this off with this one. So many nude scenes, I have to split this into 3 days.


  1. Congrats Xander. This film was a nightmare to cap, let alone clip

  2. We love you Xander!

  3. thank you , xander!!! we missed you. you don't owe anyone an explanation.

  4. You have a life, so you don't owe anybody here anything. But I'm happy you're back. Thanks for all you do. I hope you're well.

  5. Welcome back dude!!! You're awesome and your site is awesome!

  6. Hi xander, always just glad to know you're well. You might be able to see hits to your blog, and if so, some of us have checked even when you didn't post quite often. Not quite the same as checking on you as a person but you have not been forgotten! And never will be!

  7. Bienvenido de nuevo !!! Es muy grato tenerte de vuelta y gracias por todo tu increible esfuerzo !!!

  8. Glad to have you back, we missed you!

  9. you don't have to explain, always nice when you make a return though, such quality on this blog!

  10. Dude, chill. Blogging takes a lot of time so no explanation needed. I'm glad you're back! :)

  11. welcome back buddy! :)
