Saturday, March 11, 2023

Tim Oliver Schultz in Song für Mia

What can I say guys? Life... New job and just so busy and barely time for this, combined with very little outstanding nudity. So whenever I did have time I had no real drive to cap or post. 
I do want to keep this blog alive but we have to wait and see.
Also, you can see some frontal here... I hope he does a proper one eventually! 


  1. Good to have you back any time. :-)
    A frontal from Tim would be amazing, but I kind of doubt that he will go for it. :-/

  2. Great to see you back but quite understand if you're busy or uninspired. All posts are very much appreciated, however long the gap between them. Thanks

  3. Glad to see you on here again.
    I'm sure people can understand that you have a life outside of this ;)

    Just post whenever you feel like you have time and something worthy to post :)

  4. Welcome Back Xander! Good luck to your new job xx

  5. its always a better day when i see your post, hope you are doing great and that the new job is good,, we aprecitate all the work yourve done through the years
