Friday, September 24, 2021

Connor Swindells in Sex Education, Episode 1.1

Do you guys think I should start labeling prosthetic dicks?


  1. He's nice to look at, and that show is great. I love the pubes we saw in a different clip. But, yeah, prosthetics... Not that exciting. Yes, tag them as such. It's good to keep track of real vs. rubber.

  2. I agree we should know when the dicks are fake!!

  3. the problem, for me, is that there's always certain people who (rightly) suspect every dick might be a fake. filmmakers have duped us so often with body doubles, cgi and prosthetics, even I have become suspicious when I see an actor's dick. I do feel, however, that if we know FOR SURE that it's fake, then it should be labeled as such.
