Saturday, January 1, 2022

Best of 2021

Happy New Year!!!
I hope you guys had a nice new year's eve. As is tradition, all my personal nudity moments of 2021.
There were some amazing ones, like Sebastian Stan and Oscar Isaac, but overall it was certainly one of the weakest years for me. 
I really hope that 2022 will be a lot better and feel more equal again when it comes to nudity.
What were your guys' favorite nude scenes of 2021 and do you have anything that you are looking forward to in 2022? Let me know. :)

01 Daniel Sträßer in La Palma

02 Hans Gurbig in Even Closer - hautnah - E02 - Folge 2

03 Tim Bettermann in Ein wilder Sommer - Die Wachausaga

04 Friedrich Mücke in Jackpot

05 Sebastian Stan in Monday

06 Nils Rovira-Muñoz in 3 Poems

07 Kaspar Locher in 3 Poems

08 Max Hubacher in Schlaf

09 Mike Vogel in Sex/Life - 1x08 - This Must Be the Place

10 Wolfgang Cerny in The Red Ghost

11 Justice Smith in Generation - E16 - V-Day

12 Allan Hyde, Lue Dittman Støvelbæk & Alexander Clement in Fars Drenge - 1x03 - Episode 3

13 Arthur Guillaume in Les vilains

14 Jonathan Rhys Meyers in Yakuza Princess

15 Horacio Pancheri in El juego de las llaves - 2x05 -
     Amazonas, guerreras, embarazadas y caballeros águila

16 Oscar Isaac in Scenes from a Marriage - E04 - The Illiterates

17 Michael Glantschnig in Palermo

18 Travis Van Winkle in You - 3x08 - Swing and a Miss

19 Aaron Karl in Walking on Sunshine - 3x06 - Folge 26

20 Quentin Dolmaire in Quand on ne sait pas voler

21 Morten Hee Andersen in Margrete den første

22 Sergei Polunin in Passion simple

23 Josh O'Connor in Mothering Sunday


  1. Happy New Year, Xander! Great list. Thanks for all your work!

  2. Happy New Year Xander! I was so happy when I see the Sebastian's jewel. that's enough for me but I hope this year brings you "the strongest year" moment. ♡

  3. Xander, what are your most anticipated 2022 films? ;)

  4. Hi Xander, love your page and very much appreciate your efforts. Is this a list in random order or do you think Josh O'Connor's nude scene is that unimpressive? I'd class it in the top 10 or even 5 of the year

    1. well you can easily notice it's order by released date (or upload date by Xander) - A big an of Xander's blog.

    2. Thank you, I appreciate it. :)

      The list isn't in random order but I go by when the movie/show was released. And released meaning when I have it and could potentiall post it.

      Trust me, Josh would be top 3 with Oscar and Sebastian. ;)

  5. Thanks for the clarification 👍

  6. Hi, and Happy New Year to you.

    Out of the list, there are three very clear winners to me.

    1) Sebastian Stan
    I love active scenes with nudity. And the fact that it's set outdoors at night, and they're riding around on the scooter. Such a good scene!

    2) Hans Gurbig
    Confidence is sexy. Period. And watching this beatiful man strut around completely naked with no shame, comfortable was a true delight in 2021. Such good scenes from him!

    3) Wolfgang Cerny
    Again, this comes down to my love of active nudity scenes. Set outdoors in the snow, I loved watching him actively climb around, reaching for the gun. A very good scene for sure!

    I actually maybe don't feel like it was as bad a year as you make it sound, all things considered :D

  7. Saw it only today. Great choice of scenes. Thank You!

  8. Great list! I love that you care about those who loves asses, not only cocks fans
